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These should be cleaned regularly!


environmental clean







In the present corona period, personal and environmental cleanliness has increased in importance. Inside the house, not just around the … regular items must be regularly cleaned. How to clean …

Computer keyboard:


A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health states that infections with an unhygienic keyboard are infected. It is best to wipe the keyboard with sanitizer regularly.



Bedding … pillows:

Bedding PillowsAccording to a study done in the US … about 30 million bacteria can arrive in pillow covers a week. That is why you need to clean the bed, bedding, and pillows regularly. You have to change the bedsheets at least once a week.



Bottles of water:

Cooling bottels
Each milliliter of water left unattended in a water bottle will cause an average of 20 million bacteria per day. Wash the bottles with soap and hot water. Or use copper bottles.



A person touches the phone hundreds of times a day. Bacteria are at increased risk. This is why you should clean the phone frequently with a sanitizer.


Tea-coffee cups:

Approximately 20% of the country’s tea/coffee cups are washed with water. It is advisable to wash them with soap and hot water.



They are widely used in cooking and worship rooms. These are bacteria that are always moist. Boil them in boiling water for two minutes daily.



All regularly usage remotes

TV, sound system and AC remote are bacterial habitats. These should be regularly wiped with alcohol/antibacterial.


Door chains, handle:

Door handles

If the door handles are palpable, more bacteria can be reached. That is why it is mandatory to clean them regularly.


Throw in the towel:

Skin wounds, such as ringworm and impetigo, come with a towel that can be wiped off with a bath. It is best to soak them in hot water and rinse daily.


The sink in the bathroom:

According to research by Travel Mouth … bacteria grow in bathrooms and hotel sinks. It is best to rinse them regularly with bleaching water.


The kitchen:

The kitchen contains 30% more harmful bacteria than bacteria in the entire household. Rinse with a little soap and bleaching water daily to remove it.


Toothbrushes are highly bacterial. Nursing research and practice studies show that putting them in the bathroom is even worse. Brushes should be soaked in boiling water and mouthwash every day.



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