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Shutdown waiver in 3 stages in America


Washington: The horror of the coronavirus completely paralyzed the superpower economy. If this continues for a few more days, the country is in a state of disintegration. The country is focused on restoring the economy. Step-by-step guidelines for shutdown lifting President Trump issued the directives to the state governments on Thursday. The president, who has been reduced to a shutdown waiver, has delegated the responsibility to the governors of the respective states.
About 95 percent of the 33 million people in the US are under sanctions. So far, 6,76,676 people have been infected. Of these, 34,784 died. Against this backdrop, strict restrictions have been put in place to contain the virus. Terms such as physical distance are mandatory. The Trump administration has suggested that the shutdown waiver should take place in three stages.
Like three steps…
14 days in a row:
If the newly infected corona is reduced to 14 consecutive days, the ‘stay at home’ (home alone) command may be relaxed. Exceptions may also be made from other sanctions, depending on the severity.
In the second stage, all those who are at risk of the virus should be restricted. Work from home should be encouraged. The social distance must be practiced. Joint spaces should be kept closed. Employees can be allowed on regular trips. It can open up mass areas. But, social distance has to be followed. Other restrictions may also be simplified or lifted altogether.
Physical distance, hygiene is a must …
If the virus is thought to be completely out of the way, all the restrictions that would otherwise be normal can be removed. But in the matter of social distance and hygiene, caution must be exercised.
A team of experts led by Deborah Brix set out the criteria for assessing the conditions at each stage. Each tier sets clear goals for virus detection tests, new cases, and hospital facilities.
The US has surpassed the maximum in terms of corona deaths. People are about to start their lives again. We are taking steps to revive the economy. However, the process of protecting people from the clutches of the pestilence continues. Rather than implementing a nationwide shutdown .. sanctions will continue in areas where the threat is high. Scientists predict that the virus may recur again in the rainy season. If that happens, the three-step waiver plan we are undertaking will greatly help. There is also the flexibility to tighten back sanctions immediately if needed.



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