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After the pandemic… Live in another world !!

Corona virus

War … turns the history of mankind
At every turn, there are both good and bad. Every time such crises occur, unexpected changes occur. The fight against Corona right now is nothing short of a world war. With over 200 countries on the one hand … the most microbial is on the other. Governments are implementing innovative and rigorous policies to win the virus. Well-known historians and future directors like Yuval Nova Harari (Israel) are exploring the fact that humanity wins this fight … but then we live in a different world. Many changes have already been made to the seeds.
In the shadow of surveillance eyes…
If epidemics like the Corona occur in the future, as part of the fight against it, governments will increase the use of powerful algorithms and surveillance cameras to punish those who violate the regulations. Countries such as China, D. Korea, and Israel have blocked the spread of corona. Taiwan uses wristbands to track their movements in their country through electronic location tracking.
To be in power forever …
In countries where democracy is weak, leaders are moving to assert full powers. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbన్n made changes to the law with his mandate. Philippines President Rodrigo has unlimited powers. Similar emergency law is being made in Colombia. Military interventions in civilian governments are steadily increasing. The Pakistan Army is already working directly with local governments in the provinces. The Lockdown is being monitored by soldiers in South Africa. Authorities have banned year-round rallies against political reforms in Algeria.
Electoral management is not new
Corona commotion has delayed the election process in many countries. Presidential primary voting in the US is delayed. Local and national elections are already delayed in Italy, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Spain, Great Britain, and Ethiopia. Against this backdrop, some governments have focused on mail and remote voting, along with online voter registration. Lawmakers are taking to the online platform. Two of the American House of Representatives are holding virtual meetings with the rest of them.
Newest Communities
The public is volunteering to help the poor and health care workers in this crisis. Students in China led the social media movement for hospitals in Wuhan. Universities and civic groups in the Philippines have raised funds for those affected by the lockdown. In India too, representatives of industry owners, trade unions and charities are donating. Day hunger and beggars are dying of hunger. China has banned the slaughter of dogs and bats.
The virus symptoms in the victims should be detected before they emerge. For this purpose, ideas on the design of predictive systems can take place in the body of individuals. Most countries now offer telemedicine services. This system reduces stress on medical facilities and saves transportation costs and time. Public spending on health insurance is expected to rise. On the other hand, all countries focus on the manufacture of medical devices and medicines. Our country also has problems with the manufacture of ventilators and vital medicines. It is decided to promote the active pharmaceutical integrity industries of pharmaceuticals.
Concerns online
Rallies, fasting, disappearing in the streets … Online movementRios are growing. Concerns such as Egypt have made the Internet a platform. The hashtag is trending against the president in the Philippines.
Increased risk of corruption
There is a risk of price rise and smuggling of emergency supplies, medical equipment, and shortages. Against this backdrop, public groups in Nigeria have called on the government to strengthen its anti-corruption systems.
Changes in ‘world power’ poles
All countries need to share better strategies for preventing the virus. Progress in Italy in the morning should be able to guide Egypt in the afternoon. In contrast, Trump has tried to make the vaccine available in Germany just for Americans. China has also acted irresponsibly towards Kovid. At the same time, India’s attempt to unify the ‘SAARC’ countries has served the world. The supply of vital medicines and aid to neighboring countries has increased our country’s leverage. Countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, and New Zealand face a crisis when compared to the superpowers. The virus also pushes the non-governmental forces to become stronger. Already the Taliban have announced that they will support the WHHO. The Mafia teams are operating a curfew in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Different lifestyle
The virus is sparked by a culture of neglecting the good news and shining good news. Eating and smoking habits can be reduced in many. People tend to resort to online portals without going to crowded places and shopping malls. Spending time with families increases significantly.
Ways to the Tech Age
Kovid is accelerating the process of turning the world into a tech age. Schools offer online classes. Investments in education technology will then increase. In the meantime, online activities will also become more widespread in government administration. As the use of the net increases, technologies such as Big data and artificial intelligence have improved and governments have more information about the public. Services such as robot use, telemedicine, and virtual reality will be greatly expanded.
In the next few weeks, the decisions of governments will change the course of world history. They bring about changes in the economy, politics, and culture along with our medical health system. Mankind will survive in a completely different world after this disaster. ”
– Yuval Nova Harari, Professor, Historian, Hebrew University (Israel)
“We see the difference between a wealth-centered one percent of people and the other 99% of people. We see the first 20% of coronary earnings after Corona and the remaining 80%. Americans with a stable income from home and digital services will be better off after the crisis. The only people in the family, those who are unable to work, homework, distribution systems, and service sectors will suffer. ”
– Theda Schosspal, Professor of Social and Politics, Harvard Varsity
 Declining mass meals for a few more years … The habit of cooking at home is growing worldwide, including Americans. ”
– Paul Freedman, Professor of History at Yale University



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